发布人:陈文雪  发布时间:2021-11-24   浏览次数:4232















3. 基于机器学习提升核模型预测精度




20199-20209月,美国 密歇根州立大学   NSCL&FRIB国家实验室,访问学者;






1)国家自然科学青年基金,11505292,形变原子核宇称不守恒电子散射的理论研究,2016/01- 2018/1221万元,结题。



4)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,15CX02072A,原子核中子密度分布及对称能理论研究,2017/01 -2019/1215万元,结题。




1Jian Liu*, Xiaoting Liu, et al., Extraction of the second and fourth radial   moments of nuclear charge density from the elastic electron-nucleus   scattering, Journal of Physics G 48, 125105 2021. SCI二区)

2Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Elastic electron scattering off nuclei   with shape coexistence, Journal of Physics G 46, 055105 2019. SCI二区)

3Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Combining the modified Skyrme-like model   and the local density approximation to determine the symmetry energy of   nuclear matter, Journal of Physics G 45, 075103 2018. SCI二区)

4Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, et al., Coulomb form factors of odd-A nuclei within an   axially deformed relativistic mean-field model, Physical Review C 96,   034314 2017. SCI二区)

5Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, et al., Coulomb form factors of even-even nuclei   described by axially deformed relativistic mean-field models, Physical   Review C 95, 044318 2017. SCI二区)

6Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, et al., Nuclear longitudinal form factors for axially   deformed charge distributions expanded by nonorthogonal basis functions, Chinese   Physics C 41, 054101 2017. SCI二区)

7Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, et al., Theoretical study on nuclear   structure by the multiple Coulomb scattering and magnetic scattering of   relativistic electrons, Nuclear Physics A 948, 46 2016.    SCI三区)

8Jian Liu*, Chang Xu, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Theoretical study on neutron   distribution of 208Pb by parity-violating electron scattering, Chinese   Physics C 43, 045103 2016. SCI二区)

9Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, Chang Xu, et al., Electroweak charge density   distributions with parity-violating electron scattering, Physical Review C 88,   054321 2013.  SCI二区)

10Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, Chang Xu, et al., Systematic study of the   symmetry energy under the local density approximation, Physical Review C 88,   024324 2013.  SCI二区)

11Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Theoretical study on neutron skin   thickness of Ca isotopes by parity-violating electron scattering, Nuclear   Physics A 900, 1 2013.  SCI三区)

12Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al., Theoretical study on parity-violating   electron scattering off isotonic nuclei, Nuclear Physics A 888, 45 2012.  SCI三区)

13Jian Liu*, Yanyun Chu, and   Zhongzhou Ren, Theoretical Study of the Nuclear   Charge Distributions of Tin Isotopes,Plasma Science and Technology, 147, 614 2012. SCI四区)

14Jian Liu*, Yanyun Chu, and   Zhongzhou Ren, Theoretical study of the central   depression of nuclear charge density distribution by electron scattering,Chinese Physics C, 361, 48 2012.  SCI二区)

15Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et al.,   Theoretical analysis of the nonlinear ω-ρ coupling parameter by parity-violating electron scattering, Physical   Review C 84, 064305 2011. SCI二区)

16)刘健 高永浩 魏宝君 等,  “时变磁场中水下目标磁特性的COMSOL虚拟仿真研究”,   《实验室研究与探索》2020年 第39卷 第7.   (核心期刊)

17)刘健 王殿生 刘超卓 等,  “引入Mathematica 开展原子核物理中α衰变势垒隧穿模型教学的探索”, 《大学物理》2017年 第36卷 第11. (核心期刊)



1 Xin Li, Jian Liu*, et al., Comparative studies on nuclear elastic   magnetic form factors between the relativistic and non-relativistic   mean-field approaches, Chinese Physics C46, 014104 2022. SCI二区)

2 Xuezhi Wang, Jian Liu*, et al., Nucleon   momentum distribution of 56Fe from the axially deformed relativistic   mean-field model with nucleon-nucleon correlations, Science China Physics,   Mechanics & Astronomy 64, 292011 2021. SCI一区)

3 Yifan Liu, Chen Su, Jian Liu*, et al., Improved   naive Bayesian probability classifier in predictions of nuclear mass, Physical   Review C 104, 014315 2021. SCI二区)

4 Lei Wang, Jian Liu*, Rensheng Wang*, et   al., Global analysis of nuclear cluster structure from the elastic and   inclusive electron scattering, Physical Review C 103, 054307 2021. SCI二区)

5 Lei Wang, Jian Liu*, et al., Charge form   factors of exotic nuclei in deformed HartreeFockBogolyubov calculations, Journal of Physics G 47, 025105 2020. SCI二区)

6 Yunfei Ma, Jian Liu*, et al., Predictions   of nuclear charge radii and physical interpretations based on the naive   Bayesian probability classifier, Physical Review C 101, 014304 2020. SCI二区)

7 Tongqi Liang, Jian Liu*, et al., Elastic   electron scattering form factors of deformed exotic Xe isotopes, Physical   Review C 98, 044310 2018. SCI二区)

8Xiaoyong Guo, Jian Liu*,   et al., Investigation of nonlinear isoscalarisovector   coupling in a relativistic mean-field model by elastic magnetic electron   scattering, Nuclear Physics A 978, 1 2018. SCI三区)

9 Zhang Cun, Jian Liu*, Zhongzhou Ren, et   al., One-pion exchange current effects on magnetic form factor in the   relativistic formalism, Journal of Physics G 45, 075103 2016. SCI二区)

1.海洋背景磁场智能计算软件,2021SR1560042.  2021